How to change a font, background and other design settings

Go to Settings 

→ Customize design

→  Theme editor

Tap on the Settings icon in the lower right corner.

How to set up the font

Select Typography in Theme settings window.

Set up the font size.

Select the font type.

After configuring settings, tap on the Save button.

How to customize the color of buttons and shop background

In the Theme settings screen tap on the Basic styles.

Install the necessary button color for your shop. You can select any available color from the palette by tapping on the Plus button.

Set up the background color of your shop.

If you want, you can set up an image as a main page’s background. To do this, activate the Background image toggle button.

Download an image from your smartphone (we suggest using images in JPG or PNG format with a minimum size of 500х500 px).

If you want, you can set up the opacity with the help of the corresponding slider.

After configuring settings, tap on the Save button.

How to set up the favicon

Favicon is an icon that will be displayed in the browser tab before the store title.

To set up the favicon, select the Favicon menu in the Theme settings screen.

Remove the default image by tapping on the X.

Upload an image (we suggest using images in JPG or PNG format with a min size of 500х500 px).

The image will be set as a favicon.

After configuring settings in all tabs, tap on the Save button.

Select the Popup windows menu in the Theme settings screen.

The cookie notification pop up is always enabled by default.

If the online shop sells adult products, activate the Confirmation 18+ toggle button. When activated, the visitor to the shop will see an age verification pop-up window, as required by law.

If necessary, edit the text which the customer will see in the pop up window: title and description.

After setting everything up, tap the Save button.

To get back to the admin panel, use the Back action.

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