How to manage pages of your online shop

Pages are static pages of your online shop that contain important information about your shop’s activities. For example, information about delivery and payment, refund policy, and so on. 

For visitors’ convenience, links to these pages are pinned to the main menu of the shop.

There are 4 pages created in the shop by default:

  • About us

  • Delivery

  • Payment

  • Contact us

To manage pages, go to Settings

→  Theme editor

Tap on Page in the upper right corner.

Select the Manage pages option.

How to edit a page

Edit the default pages and add actual information about your business. 

Tap the 3 dots icon in front of the necessary page in the list and select Edit.

Enter the required text information in the Description field.

Also, set up text formatting here: set up the font, titles, and bulleted or numbered lists if necessary.

Tap the Save button.

How to create a new page

Tap the Add page.

Fill in the Title field.

Enter the required text information in the Description field.

After filling in all fields, tap the Save button.

Created Pages can be deleted.

How to change the status of a page

Pages can have the following statuses:

  • Show - a page with this status will be displayed in the store.
  • Hide - a page with this status will not be displayed in the store.

If you don't want the page to be visible to visitors, just change its status on Hide. Tap 3 three dots icon in front of the necessary page and set the current status.  

Also, the pages in the Hide status will be displayed less intensely in the admin panel.

How to sort pages

The list of pages could be sorted. To do this, tap Sort

and drag-and-drop pages to put them in the necessary order.

 Then tap Save.

The pages will be displayed on the shop's main menu and footer in this particular order.

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