How to edit customer info in the customer list

To update customer information, go to Orders Customers section.

To quickly find the right customer, use the search bar - enter his name, phone or email and tap on the search icon on your smartphone’s keyboard.

Swipe left in the customer’s line and select Edit in the opened menu.

In the Edit customer window, make the necessary changes and tap on Save.

Also, to edit the data, you can tap the necessary line in the customer’s list, and tap the three dots icon in the upper right corner of the screen already on the customer’s page.

In the opened menu select Edit, make changes and tap on Save.

 To delete a customer, swipe left in the appropriate line and select the Delete option,

then confirm the action by tapping on the Delete button.

In this case, the customer is removed from the customers list, but information about his orders is saved.

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