How to activate the Google Analytics plugin

Google Analytics is a tool for getting a more complete understanding of how customers engage with your shop. Basing on these insights, you will be able to properly optimize your marketing activity.
To activate the Google Analytics plugin, navigate to Settings

→  Plugins

→ Google Analytics

Tap Activate.

Enter your Google Analytics Measurement ID.

To have the Google Analytics Measurement ID, you will need:

  1. Log in to (or create) your Google account

  1. Go to your Google Analytics account and copy the Measurement ID.

If you don't have a Google Analytics account yet, go by the link and create an account.

Start setting up the account by assigning a name. Then tap Next.

Enter your property (business) name, select the time zone and currency. Tap Next.

Add your business details by selecting your industry category and specifying the business size.

Then choose your business objectives and tap Create

Select the country where your business operates and accept the Terms of Service agreement for that region.

Choose Web as a platform.

Set up your web stream (i.e. the data flow coming from your website into the Analytics). For that, enter your website URL without HTTP// and assign a stream name

Tap Create stream

Copy your Measurement ID. And paste it into the Aleph Express app. Tap Save.

You have successfully connected the Google Analytics plugin.

Now you can track how people interact with your website and identify the most popular pages.

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