How to activate the SEO plugin

The SEO plugin allows you to set up meta tags for your online shop. 

Meta tags (Meta titles & Meta descriptions) are tags on any page of your online store that are not visible to customers but are visible to search engines. They help search engines, such as Google, determine your website's position in search results.

Meta title is the web page's title highlighted in blue in the search engine results. It should give the basic information on what you are selling. 

Meta description is a brief description of the web page. Its goal is to encourage users to follow the link. 

By using effective meta tags, you increase the chances of your store appearing in the top results of a search. You can set up meta tags for the home page, for the collection and product pages.

To activate the plugin, go to Settings →  Plugins

→  SEO.

Tap Activate.

Once you have activated the plugin, default meta tags are assigned to the pages, including the Home page.  

You may edit them according to your business needs.

How to set up meta tags for the Home page

Tap Home page

Enter the Meta title for your store’s main page. It should be short, informative, and reflect the nature of your business. Consider what queries potential customers might make when they are in need of your products.

Enter the Meta description, explaining in short the essence of your business. This description will be then visible to customers in the search results. Describe your store and its advantages, including potential search queries in the description. 

Example: At our store, you can purchase smartphones at the most competitive prices. We offer a wide selection of phone models and accessories. 

Tap Save.

How to set up meta tags for the Product pages

Tap Products.

Fill in the Meta title field. Add keywords that customers might use to search for your products. 

❗️ Use the {product name} attribute as a universal variable (it will be automatically replaced with the product name).

Example: Buy {product name} with delivery in Nigeria, where {product name} is automatically replaced with the name of your product.

As a result, the following Meta titles for the product pages will be generated:

  • Buy iPhone 256GB with delivery in Nigeria.
  • Buy Xiaomi Mi 128GB with delivery in Nigeria.
  • Buy Samsung 256GB with delivery in Nigeria.

Fill in the Meta description field.

❗️ Use the {product name} attribute as a universal variable that replaces the product name.

Example: Reviews and best price on {product name}. Discounts. Order now via +234 803 202 41 78.

{product name} will be automatically replaced with the name of your product.

As a result, the following Meta descriptions for the product pages will be generated:

  • Reviews and best price on iPhone 256GB. Discounts. Order now via +234 803 202 41 78.

  • Reviews and best price on Xiaomi Mi 128GB. Discounts. Order now via +234 803 202 41 78.

  • Reviews and best price on Samsung 256GB. Discounts. Order now via +234 803 202 41 78.

You can preview how the link to your product page will be presented in the search results.

If you are satisfied with the result, tap Save.

How to set up meta tags for the Collection pages

Tap Collections.

Fill in the Meta title field. The title will be applied to all collections in the catalog.

❗️ Use the {collection name} attribute as a universal variable that replaces the collection name.The system will automatically replace this attribute with the name of each collection.

Example: Buy {collection name} with delivery within Lagos. 

{collection name} will be automatically replaced with the names of collections (for example, Smartphones, Laptops, Headphones etc.).

As a result, the following Meta titles for the Collection pages will be generated:

  • Buy smartphones with delivery within Lagos.

  • Buy laptops with delivery within Lagos.

  • Buy headphones with delivery within Lagos.

Fill in the Meta description field.

The description will be applied to all collections in the catalog.

❗️ Use the {collection name} attribute as a universal variable that replaces the collection name. The system will automatically replace this attribute with the name of each collection.

Example: {collection name} Reviews, Features, and Deals. Low prices. Order online and get a delivery today.   

{collection name} will be automatically replaced with the names of your collections.

As a result, the following Meta descriptions for Collection pages will be generated:

  • Smartphones Reviews, Features, and Deals. Low prices. Order online and get a delivery today.   

  • Laptops Reviews, Features, and Deals. Low prices. Order online and get a delivery today.  

  • Headphones Reviews, Features, and Deals. Low prices. Order online and get a delivery today. 

Tap Save

How to set up meta tags manually  

You can also set up Meta tags individually for each product or collection in the Add/ Edit tab (in case the SEO plugin is already activated).

❗️ Manually created meta tags are always given priority.

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