FAQ: Aleph Express Deactivation in Nigeria

After careful consideration and a thorough review of our operations, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue Aleph Express in Nigeria.  Effective July 16 , you will no longer have access to Aleph Express or any of its functionalities.

This decision was not made lightly. Despite our best efforts, market conditions and strategic priorities have led us to this conclusion. We understand this change may impact your business, and we are committed to assisting you during this transition period.


  1. Why is Aleph Express being deactivated?

    After careful consideration and a thorough review of our operations, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue Aleph Express in Nigeria effective July 16, 2024. This decision was not made lightly. Despite our best efforts, market conditions and strategic priorities have led us to this conclusion. 

  1. What will happen to my shop website?

    On July 16, 2024 you will no longer have access to the app and all Aleph Express functionalities will be deactivated. Your shop will be deleted and no longer available for your customers.

  1. Is there anything I need to do?

    We strongly recommend transitioning any information from your Aleph Express account needed for your business to a different platform and communicating this change to your customers. After July 15, 2024  you will no longer have access to Aleph Express or any of your account details which may impact your business operations.

  1. Can I still use XXX in the app? (XXX = My shop, my website, my messaging, my insights, etc..)

    You will be able to access all Aleph Express through July 15, 2024. After this date, Aleph Express and all of its functionality will no longer be accessible.

  1. What will happen to my personal data? 

    We may retain some personal data for a period of time in line with our internal retention policy for the purposes of defending Aleph Express  against legal claims and other legitimate purposes where applicable data protection laws allow us to do so. For additional information please review the Aleph Express Privacy Policy. 

  1. Will I be refunded?

    Aleph Express is free and has never charged its merchants to use its services. Therefore, there are no refunds needed in this transition.

  1. How long do I have to transition to another service?

    Aleph Express will no longer be available on July 16, 2024. Please make sure you transition your operations and communicate to your customers before this date. 

  1. What kind of support will be available during the transition?

    We understand you may have questions and concerns. Our customer support team is here to help every step of the way. You can reach them on Whatsapp, on the website and/or on email (help@alephexpress.com).

  1. Will there be any maintenance or updates until the shutdown date?

    There will not be any additional app updates or maintenance before the final date of Aleph Express deactivation on July 16, 2024.

  1. What are the final deadlines I need to be aware of?

    Please make sure you transition your business and your customers before July 16, 2024. On this date, Aleph Express will be deactivated in Nigeria and all merchant data will be permanently deleted from our servers.

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