How to create discounts and coupons

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How to create a new discount

To create a discount, tap on Add discount.

Tap on the Plus icon in the upper right corner when creating the future discounts.

Select the Discount option in the opened menu.

Fill in the Add Discount form.

Enter the discount name in the Name field (the name will be displayed only to you as a shop’s admin).

Set the discount value in the Percentage field.

By default, the discount is created with an unlimited validity period.

If you wish, you can set the validity period of the discount.

To do this, activate the Set active dates toggle button.

Set the start and end dates of the discount.

Then tap the Add Product button.

In the opened window select the products that the discount will apply to.

❗️ Important: only 1 discount can be applied to a product. If you select a product that is covered by a previously created discount, it will be canceled. Products to which the discount is already applied, are marked with a special symbol.

In case the discount applies to all products in the online shop, tick the box at the top of the list.

To assign a discount to specific products, tick the appropriate product lines.

Use the product search bar for convenience.

Confirm the selection by tapping the Select button.

Tap the Save button.

 How to create a new coupon

❗️ Important: you can use several coupons for the same product at the same time, but only one of them can be applied when you order.

Tap on Plus in the upper right corner

and select the Coupon option.

Assign a conventional name to the coupon in the Coupon code field. The customer will enter this code at checkout to get a discount.

Set the discount value (in %) for this coupon in the Percentage field.

By default, a coupon is created with an unlimited duration. 

If you want, you can set the coupon duration. It’s possible to set up a delayed start.

To do this, activate the Set active dates toggle button.

Set the start and end dates of the coupon.

Then tap the Add Product button.

In the opened window select the products that the coupon will apply to.

❗️ Important: Be careful when selecting products. In cases where both a discount and a promo code are applied to the same product, the discounts are automatically summed up. 

Products to which discounts have already been applied are marked with a special symbol.

If the coupon is valid for all products in the online shop, tick the appropriate box.

If the coupon should be applied to a specific set of products, just tap on the lines of the needed products.

Use the product search bar, if necessary.

Confirm the selection by tapping the Select button.

After filling in all fields, tap the Save button.

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