How to sign up for Aleph Express

To create an account on the platform, download the app from Google Play or App Store.

Open the app and tap Sign up.

To proceed, you will need to verify your phone number. 

Enter the number and tap Send code. You will receive a message with the code.

Insert the code from the message into the appropriate field.

In case you don’t receive a message, check if you’ve entered your phone number correctly. If the phone number is correct, tap I didn’t receive a code and submit again.

Then enter your email address and set a password.

Follow the links to get acquainted with the platform's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Accept them by checking the appropriate boxes. Tap Create account.

Let’s move to setting up your shop info.

❗️ Note: you can tap Skip, and skip this step to set up your shop info later.

To start with, upload your shop logo, if necessary.

Set up the shop name.

Then set up the shop web address, i.e. the domain name by which your shop will be available across the web. Tap Continue.

❗️  Note: The name must contain lowercase English letters and digits from 0 to 9 without spaces and special characters. Name length must be min.3, max.63 characters.

Account confirmation email will be sent to the email address that you used to create the account. Explore the How do I get started article to learn more about setting up your online shop. 

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