How to set up contact details

In the app, you have the ability to add all your contact details and to display them on the website. 

Go to Settings 

→ Shop info

How to set up shop name and description

In the About section you can set up your shop name and description. Tap the line

and enter or adjust the shop name and/or shop description. Tap Save.

In the Contact details section you can manage all the contact details of your online shop. This information will be displayed in the header of your website, in the footer and on the Contact us page.

How to set up the phone number and email

By default, the phone number and email entered during the sign up, are indicated as your shop's contact details. To change the phone number or email, tap the appropriate line.

Edit the data and tap Save.

To add another contact detail, tap Add contact.

❗️ You can add several contacts of a certain type (for example, two phone numbers).

How to add your Messenger

Tap Add contact, select  Messenger and enter your Facebook Page ID

To have your Page ID, log in to Facebook account, go to Pages and select the necessary Page.

Tap the About tab.

Scroll down and tap See all About.

Then scroll down to see your Page ID.

Copy your Page ID and paste it into the field in the app. Tap Save.

How to add your WhatsApp

Tap Add contact, select WhatsApp and enter your WhatsApp number with country and area codes.

To have the number, go to your WhatsApp app and tap the Settings icon in the right corner. Tap Settings.

Then tap the profile.

Copy your WhatsApp number.

Paste it into the field in your app and tap Save.

How to add your Telegram

Tap Add contact, select Telegram and enter your username.

To have your username, go to your Telegram app and tap Settings

Copy your username without @

and paste it into the field in your app. Tap Save.

How to set up the address

Tap the Address line.

Enter the address by filling in the fields,

or pull the data from your profile by activating the toggle button. 

Tap Save.

How to sort the contact details

You can change the order in which contact details are displayed on your website: in the footer, in the menu, on the Contact us page.

❗️ Put the most commonly used communication channel in the first place. It will be displayed in the header of your website at all times.

To sort the contact details, tap Sort.

Hold the Drag-and-drop icon and drag the blocks in the required order.

Tap Save.

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